Print Like A Pro

Printworks Paper Weight Cheat Sheet

Kyle Irwin

Printworks Paper Weight Cheat Sheet

From Lightest to Heaviest

(The "#" is pronounced "pound")

24# Bond

- Lightweight average computer paper stock

- Uncoated finish only

28# Bond

- Slightly heavier than the 24# bond

- Uncoated finish only

60# Text

- Slightly heavier than the 28# bond

- Uncoated finish only

80# Text

- Ideal for booklets and programs

- Uncoated, gloss, and satin finishes

100# Text

- Ideal for posters, flyers, and booklets

- Uncoated, gloss, and satin finishes

80# Cover

- Perfect for tickets, check stuffers, booklet covers, etc.

- Uncoated, gloss, and satin finishes

100# and 110# Cover

- Perfect for invitations, postcards, rack cards, table tents, etc.

- Uncoated (100#), Satin (110#), and Gloss (110#) finishes

120# and 130# Cover

- Perfect for business cards, punch cards, item tags, bookmarks, etc.

- Uncoated (120#), Satin (130#), and Gloss (130#) finishes

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